Thursday, August 20, 2009


currently loving IR, just got back from the longest work day (12 hrs). We had six cases (a PEG tube, a central line and feeding tube for an ICU patient with an infected vascular graft, two aortograms and angiograms of the legs, and then two emergency cases involving an HIV+ man in acute renal failure and AMS requiring an emergent dialysis cathether and a man presenting to the E&A with a large perirectal abscess communicating with his bladder).

i am enjoying the demographic at the VA -- generally salty men with a good sense of humor and high tolerance for pain. On the carpet in front of the main entrance, there is a rug printed with the words, "the price of freedom is visible here." not quite sure yet how i feel about that.

wisest words today from a patient/former carpenter:
"one thing i've learned...leave good enough alone."

resident replied, "yes, the enemy of good is better."

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